# Developer Mission #1 - Subscribe to a Free API on OpenAPIHub

# Introduction

In this mission, we will guide you on how to subscribe to a free API using the Echo API (opens new window) by OpenAPIHub Academy (opens new window) as an example. You may also browse around OpenAPIHub and subscribe to any API you like to complete this mission.

You need to register as an API developer on OpenAPIHub before using the Developer Admin Portal. Please refer to Register as a Developer for details.

# Key Steps

Subscribing to an API in OpenAPIHub is simple, it takes 3 steps to do so:

  1. Go to OpenAPIHub Marketplace to find an API (opens new window) you want to subscribe
  2. Go to the Pricing (opens new window) tab of the API and click Subscribe for Free
  3. Click Subscribe Now

# Step-by-step Guide

  1. Go to OpenAPIHub Marketplace to find an API (opens new window) you want to subscribe to. In this mission, we will use the Echo API (opens new window). developer-mission-1-subscribe-to-a-free-api-on-openapihub-1

  2. Go to the Pricing (opens new window) tab of the API and click Subscribe for Free developer-mission-1-subscribe-to-a-free-api-on-openapihub-2

  3. Click Subscribe Now developer-mission-1-subscribe-to-a-free-api-on-openapihub-3

Congratulations! You have successfully subscribed to an API. Please make use of this function to subscribe to any APIs that are interesting to you in OpenAPIHub. Now, you have completed Developer Mission #1, your mission progress can be found in the Developer Admin Portal (opens new window). developer-mission-1-subscribe-to-a-free-api-on-openapihub-4

Please go to Developer Mission #2 and learn more essential skills in OpenAPIHub or feel free to explore the Marketplace (opens new window).