# How to generate another verification link? What should I do if the verification link is expired?

If you cannot receive verification link after registering or your verification link is expired, you can generate a new one by the following ways:

Before generating another verification email, try to check the spam folder in your mailbox.

# Method 1: Log In to Trigger New Email

You may log in to your account on Homepage of OpenAPIHub(https://hub.openapihub.com/ (opens new window)) by clicking Log in / Register. After logging in with an unverified email, you will see the page below and receive a new verification email (“Confirm your email address on OpenAPIHub”) in your mailbox

# Method 2: Click Resend Email

After you submitted the registration form, if you have not yet closed the window shown in the above, you can click Resend Email to receive a new verification email (“Confirm your email address on OpenAPIHub”) in your mailbox.

If you still cannot find the email, contact us at support@openapihub.com.